Buy Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters online here.
Ro5-4864, which is also called 4′-chlorodiazepam, is a new drug that is a benzodiazepine version of diazepam. However, unlike most benzodiazepine derivatives, Ro5-4864 lacks affinity for GABAA receptors and lacks typical benzodiazepine effects, instead being sedative yet also convulsant and anxiogenic in effects. Ro5-4864 was found to be a strong ligand for the “peripheral benzodiazepine receptor,” which was later renamed “mitochondrial translocator protein 18kDa” (TSPO). In vitro studies and rodent models also suggest the possibility of analgesic, antidepressant, cardioprotective, and anti-cancer effects.
Availability of Ro5-4864.
This is the best place to buy Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters. Choose from 25 units, 50 units, 100 units, or 250 units, depending on how much you want.
Storage conditions of Ro5-4864.
Once you get your Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters item, make sure to keep it out of direct sunlight, in a dry place, and at a maximum room temperature of 20-25oC. Top Rich Chem Store recommends getting a vacuum sealing machine if you want to keep the Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters in great shape for a long time. If you have any doubts or questions about that, don’t forget to ask us.
Handling your Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters.
We strongly suggest that when you handle your Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters, you wear a mask or gloves for extra safety.
Where to buy Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters?
On our site, Top Rich Chem Store, you can buy research chemicals, such as Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters. Before we put any of our research chemicals up for sale, we test and study them. It’s the only way to know for sure that our Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters are top-notch. Don’t be afraid to get in touch with us if you need the results or more help. Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters is only available as blotters, but we have some other research chemicals in pellet and powder form.
Why buy from Top Rich Chem Store?
We are one of the places where Lizard Labs products can be bought. In fact, Top Rich Chem Store is owned and run by Lizard Labs. You can always see the whole list on the Lizard Labs website. Since we’ve been in this business for more than 10 years, we can promise you great service and some of the lowest prices on the market for research chemicals.
Special terms and conditions to buy Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters.
Here you can buy Ro5-4864 1mg Blotters online, but you must be at least 18 years old and understand all of the terms and conditions on our website and during the checkout process. Also, we only sell research chemicals that will be used in the lab or for testing. If you meet all of these requirements, just fill out the sign-up form, put in your first shipping address, and start shopping!
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